
How to reprint or apply for duplicate Pan Card online

Pan Card is very important document. If your pan card is lost by mistake don’t worry you can get duplicate pan card. To get duplicate pan card you have to fill up the form and have to pay the nominal fees for that pan card. In this post we will guide step by step how to get duplicate pan card.

Steps for online application
Step: 1 Go to this link – Click Here
Step: 2 Once you open the link than go to the “application type” in drop down in application form.
Step: 3 Click on that and fill up whole form and click on Submit Button.
Step: 4 Now you will see 4 steps form. First tab is Guidelines.
Step: 5 After clicking on next button fill Personal Details and click on next button.
Step: 6 Fill Contact & Other details.
Step: 7 Final step Document details fill complete form and click on Submit button.
Step: 8 Once you submit the form than you have to pay nominal fees as mention in the form. You can pay via net banking, credit card, debit card.
Step: 9 You are done your duplicate pan card will come at your home within a month.


  • If communication address is within India then the fee for processing PAN application is 107.00 (93.00 + 15% service tax). Payment can be made either by
    Demand Draft
    Credit Card / Debit Card
    Net Banking
    If any of addresses i.e. office address or residential address is a foreign address, the payment can be made only through credit card/debit card or demand draft payable at Mumbai.
  • If communication Address is outside India, then the fee for processing PAN application is 994.00 [(Application fee 93.00 + Dispatch Charges 771.00) + 15% service tax].
  • At present this facility is available for a select list of countries. Applicants from other countries may contact NSDL at the contact details given in point (5) below.
  • Demand draft shall be in favour of ‘NSDL – PAN’. Demand draft should be payable at Mumbai and should be sent to NSDL.
  • Name of the applicant and the acknowledgment number should be mentioned on the reverse of the demand draft.
  • Credit card / Debit card / Net banking payment – Persons authorised to make Credit card / Debit card / Net banking payment are as below:


Category of Applicant Payment by Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking can be made by / for
Individual Self, immediate family members (parents, spouse, children)
HUF Karta of the HUF
Company Any Director of the Company
Firm/ Limited Liability Partnership Any Partner of the Firm
Association of Person(s) / Body of Individuals / Association of Person(s) Trust / Artificial Juridical Person / Local Authority Authorised Signatory covered under section 140 of Income Tax Act, 1961


Applicants making online payment using credit card / debit card will be charged an additional charge of up to 2% (plus applicable taxes) of application fee by the bank providing gateway facility. Additionally, the conversion/exchange rates may also be levied by the card issuing bank, as per prevailing rates.

Applicants making payment through Net Banking facility will be charged an additional surcharge of 4.00 + service tax for payment gateway facility.

On successful credit card / debit card / net banking payment, acknowledgment will be displayed. Applicant shall save and print the acknowledgment and send it to NSDL as mentioned in point ‘x – Mode of Submission of Documents’ below.

To check status of online payment or to regenerate acknowledgement receipt, please click here and fill details accordingly.

Applicant shall select appropriate mode of payment and fill relevant details in the application.

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